Summer at Liberty Ranch

As usual, our summer was so packed with events and opportunities to serve that it feels like we blinked, and it is gone! In June, we invited a number of different churches to come to our Women of Faith conference.  It was a beautiful time to worship the Lord and learn and grow together.  

A big part of the ministry here at Calvary Chapel Liberty Ranch is the men’s discipleship program.  There are more than 40 men who live onsite as they work through whatever struggles or addictions they are dealing with and learn to become men of God. Though it is a 6-month program, each person is here of their own free will, and some only last a few weeks or even a few days. It can be discouraging and heartbreaking at times when you see people choose to go back to their past lives and old habits. 

 On the other hand, we rejoice when we see true change and get to watch men’s lives transformed and families restored! This summer, six men who have completed the program here chose to go to a 6-week, intensive Bible study program that focused on discipleship and church planting.  We are so proud of them! 


We had a number of short-term mission groups who came to serve with us over the summer.  Some of the teams helped with our youth program, some taught Sunday school, some did work projects, and some hosted pizza parties for the guys at the ranch. One team went with us to a garbage dump outside of Tijuana where people make their living sorting through the trash that arrives in trucks. 

We held a church service and then served a meal and handed out care packages with toiletries and other essentials. We enjoy hosting groups from other churches as it reminds us that we are all the body of Christ serving together for His kingdom. 

Youth Summer Camp

One of the big highlights of the summer was our youth camp! 10 different churches came together with approximately 200 people for 4 days of craziness and fun. We had a similar format to last year’s camp, with Bible studies in the morning, games in the afternoon, a service at night, and more games after dark. 

The kids were divided into teams, and throughout the 4 days they worked together to earn points through sportsmanship, team spirit, and winning the games.  In the end, the winning team won bicycles that had been donated for this purpose. It was fun to watch the teens from different churches make new friends and to witness them getting involved in the worship and prayer times. 

Thank you to everyone who donated, served, and encouraged us along the way to help make these Summer activities possible!

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